mohon bantu jawab no 1 sampai 5 kak

1. (-) Arjuna doesn't study English in his room every Sunday afternoon.
(?) Does Arjuna study English in his room every Sunday afternoon?
2. (+) The students sing the national song loudly in the flag ceremony every Monday.
(-) The students don't sing the national song loudly in the flag ceremony every Monday.
3. We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now or when it happens regularly.
4. big, small, lovely, long, smart.
5. verbal
(+) subject + verb 1
(-) subject + do/does + not + verb 1
(?) do/does + subject + verb 1
(+) subject + am/is/are + noun
(-) subject + am/is/are + not + noun
(?) am/is/are + subject + noun